Tuesday, June 3, 2008


You can't make a serous man a mimicry artist. But a baby can. My 10 month old baby boy is doing such a marvelous job in our family. He emit babble sounds everybody imitate that sounds and they add new sounds to his babble vocabulary. Blu..blu...bluu...blu...bla...blaa...suck sounds. Last sunday we had a visitor in our home he is a serous middle aged man I had never ever seen his laughing face. Normally he growl and make other grotesque voice if we need any answer from him. I passed my boy to him firstly he hesitate to play with the boy. But my innocent son laugh at him and make him smile nicely. Then my son emit some sounds like bla..bla..again he smiled when I came back from kitchen I heard the serious man making grotesque BLAAAAAAAAAA.....

1 comment:

Shru said...

hahaha...how cute!truly they have innocent angelic kind smiles and laughs!