Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Normally I dislike to do any household duties but everyday I fetch milk from our nearest farm. I love to go early morning into the farm and I enjoy the vista of beautiful cows standing in the cowshed. The farm contains poultry and other animals too. Rabbits, Goats, and the like.There was always a huge Q in front of the stall. I put my can and the milkman pour white surfing milk into the can. This is the one and only domestic duty I do. One day i went early to the farm there is no cows and milk man. Desert, there is no grass in the field. And atlas I saw a board and small shop, the board as MILMA

1 comment:

Shru said...

talking about fetching fresh milk!
a few weeks back we went to kolhapur and we had kaccha(unboiled ) milk of a buffalow!..the buffalow was right in fron of us!the milk was warm thick nd lsightly sweet!it was just great!